In-beam spectroscopy and shell model structure of the neutron deficient103In and100,102Cd

The γ-decay of the neutron deficient nuclei 103In and 100,102Cd has been studied following the reactions 58Ni + 50Cr and 58Ni + 46,48Ti at 250 MeV and 230 MeV bombarding energy of the 58Ni beam, respectively. Evaporation neutrons and charged particles were measured in coincidence with prompt and delayed γ-rays with the multidetector array OSIRIS. To investigate the decay of the Iπ = 8+ isomers of 100,102Cd a recoil catcher setup inside OSIRIS was used. Six new γ-ray transitions of 100Cd and four of 102Cd with intensities of 1-10% of the main γ-ray cascades were found. Two new states of 100Cd were established and firm spin-parity assignments were made to all states below the isomer. These new states were identified as the 4+ and the 6+ members of the proton πg9/2−2 multiplet. The experimental states of 103In and of 100,102Cd are compared to shell model predictions in the π(p1/2, g9/2) v(d5/2, g7/2, s1/2, d3/2, h11/2) configuration space.

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