Transport studies of protonated emeraldine polymer: A granular polymeric metal system

An experimental study of the temperature- (T) dependent dc conductivity σ, the electric field (E) dependence of σ, and the T-dependent thermopower S as a function of protonation level (0.0<x[H+][N]0.5) of emeraldine polymer is presented. The conductivity σ(300 K) varies from 1010 to 10 Ω1 cm1 with increasing protonation, while σ(T)exp[(T0T)12], with T0 decreasing with increasing x. Above a threshold field Et, σexp(E0E), with E0 constant. The thermopower S changes sign with increasing x and is proportional to T for x0.5. The transport properties are the first systematic evidence for the formation of a granular polymeric metal.