Of interest to biologists are the following dates, measured in total years from the present: (1) Lower occupation levels at Jarmo, early Neolithic village, upper Iraq, exhibiting the earliest traces of an established agricultural community in the Near East, approx. 6700 years (this date indicates a subsequent agricultural "explosion" and necessitates "compression" of some subsequent history based on archeological sources); (2) Dutch Mesolithic, approx. 8000 years; (3) Icelandic postglacial peat, approx. 5300 years; (4) A mammoth tooth (dated by associated wood) in fill representing the Calumet and post-Calumet deposit, Dyer, Indiana, dated at 1850 [plus or minus]480 years; (5) Wood from Cary II substage, Wisconsin glaciation, from Skunk River, Iowa, dated variously from near 10,000 years to almost 13,000; (6) Driftwood of probably Mankato substage, Wisconsin glaciation, deposited in Lake Oshkosh clays, Wisconsin, dated at approx. 10,700 years; (7) Skeleton exhibiting traces of yaws, Tinian, Marianas Islands, dated at approx. 2000 years.

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