Diffusion in systems with static disorder

We study diffusion in systems with static disorder, characterized by random transition rates {wn}, which may be assigned to the bonds [random-barrier model (RBM)] or to the sites [random-jump-rate model (RJM)]. We make an expansion in powers of the fluctuations δn=(wn1w1)w1 around the exact diffusion coefficient D=1w1 in the low-frequency regime, using diagrammatic methods. For the one-dimensional models we obtain a systematic expansion in powers of z of the response function (transport properties) and Green's function (spectral properties). The frequency-dependent diffusion coefficient in the RBM is found as U0(z)=D12 κ2Dz+α0z+α1z32+, where κ2=δ2,α0 includes up to fourth-order fluctuations and α1 up to sixth order. In the RJM, U0(z)=D.. Similarly, we obtain results (very different in RBM and RJM) for the frequency-dependent Burnett coefficient U2(z) and the single-site Green's function G^0(z) [which determines the density of eigenstates N(ε) and the inverse localization length γ(ε) of relaxational modes of the system]. The spectral properties of both models are identical and agree with exact results at low frequencies for the spectral properties of random harmonic chains. The long-time behavior of the velocity autocorrelation function in RBM is ϕ2(t)()t32+()t52 and for the Burnett correlation function ϕ4(t)()t32, with coefficients that vanish on a uniform lattice. For the RJM, ϕ2(t)=Dδ+(t) and