Some Additional Electroencephalographic Techniques for the Localization of Intracranial Lesions

Routine eeg. technics, including mono- and bipolar, hyperventilation and post-hyperventilation recordings, were used in a series of 300 lesion cases involving 193 verified brain tumors. In approximately 100 of these, localization was desired and was apparently secured (not all of the localizations were verified) by one or more of 3 special technics: alternate unilateral (ear) ground; nasal lead push-pull fashion in connection with midline or two-hemisphere leads; and a common bipolar lead in push-pull fashion in connection with homologous areas of 2 sides posterior and anterior to the coronal interaural plane or near it. Five cases are presented in detail, 2 illustrating failure to determine depth and precise extent of lesions by conventional localizing technics, and 3 showing how a combination of the 3 special technics revealed these qualities of lesions. 16 refs.