The release of fission products from small cylindrical specimens of normal uranium heated in an air stream was investigated in a laboratory study. The specimens were irradiated to 2.4 x 10/sup 14/ nvt and allowed to cool one to three in a resistance furnace with air flowing over the specimen The off-gas stream was scrubbed free of radioactive material by suitable traps. Analyses were performed on the volatilized pontion and on the dissolved residue to determine the fraction of fission products released. Analyses were made for I/ sup 131/, Te/sup 132/, Xe/sup 133/, Sr/sup 89, Cs, Ru/sup 103/, Ba/sup 140/, and Zr/sup 95/. Twenty-nine tests were performed with air and one with a helium atmosphere. The furnace temperature was varied from 425 to 1440 deg C while the time of heating varied from 2.5 to 232 minutes. The efficiencies of varions filter media for retaining air-boroe radioactive matter were investigated. An unsuccessful effort was made to separate the particulate from the elemental release. Data gathered in these tests were correlated to show the effects of temperature, time of heating and per cent of metal oxidized on the release coefficient for the fission products investigated (auth)

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