Optimization of Disintegration Time and Crushing Strength of a Tablet Formulation

In an experiment with a factorial design, the following aspects were scrutinized: the impact on disintegration time and crushing strength caused by the loss-on-drying of the granulation; the granule-size distribution; the lubricant concentration; the compression force; and the pre-compression. Both with regard to disintegration time and crushing strength, these factors were found to have a significant influence: the loss-on-drying of the granulation; the fraction less than 0.150 mm; the concentration of magnesium stearate; and the compression force. A reduction of the tablet disintegration time was obtained by means of an increase of the granulation moisture; by an increase of the fine fraction; or by a reduction of the lubricant concentration or the compression force. The tablet crushing strength was increased by reducing the deviation of the granulation loss-on-drying from approximately 4.6 %; by a reduction of the fine fraction; by decreasing the lubricant concentration; or by increasing the compression force. The fraction larger than 0.300 mm had no significant influence; nor did the pre-compression. Further, there were no significant interactions. By means of superimposing contour plots of disintegration time and crushing strength, a region was obtained where the requirements of disintegration time and crushing strength could be satisfied by controlling the processing variables.

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