An F1 plant was obtained from the cross of an induced autotetraploid Aegilops squarrosa with a diploid Secale cereale: 2 BCF1 (back cross) plants were obtained from the back cross of the F1 plant with S. cereale. In the cross 4x-A. squarrosa XS cereale the F1 plant had 2n =21 chromosomes in PMC''s (pollen mother cells); this plant was a triple hybrid carrying DDR (D= Dominant, R = recessive) gsnomes. Somatic chromosome numbers in the 2 BCF1 plants, were 21 and 23. Karyotype analysis suggested that genome constitution of the BCF1-I plant might be a haploid set of A. squarrosa and a diploid set of S. cereale, that is, D and RR genomes. The BDF1-2 plant might be a hypertriplold plant carrying DRR genomes and 2 extra chromosomes. One of these 2 chromosomes seemed to belong to the D genome and the other to the R genome. Intra-genome pairing between chromosomes in the D genome was observed.

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