YAC analysis and minimal tiling path construction for chromosome 21q

We have undertaken a detailed analysis of several hundred YACs from widely available YAC libraries which map to human chromosome 21 with the goal of improving the physical map of chromosome 21 and determining the feasibility of producing a minimal tiling path of well characterized, stable, non-chimeric YACs spanning the long arm of the chromosome (21q). We report information on over 500 YACs known to contain STS from 21q including information on size, stability, chimerism, marker content, and NotI restriction sites. YACs derive from the CEPH and St. Louis YAC libraries, and STSs include the set of 198 markers originally used do assemble a YAC contig of 21q, as well as additional anonymous probes and gene markers. This information has assisted in refinements of STS order, has defined a region of general instability in 21q22.3, has identified an increased number of NotI restriction sites, and has defined cryptic gaps, particularly in 21q21, for which few or no markers are available. These results have allowed us to develop and assess a minimal tiling path of overlapping YACs consisting of 59 YACs (and two P1 clones), largely non chimeric, stable, and of verified STS content. They total 30 mb of non-overlapping DNA, and contain all chromosome 21 specific STSs originally used to define the 810 YAC 21q YAC contig. When integrated with the analysis of a somatic cell hybrid mapping panel of chromosome 21 reported in the accompanying manuscript, a greatly enhanced understanding of the physical map of chromosome 21 is obtained.