Cath‐Finder‐TM Catheter Tracking System: a new device for positioning of central venous catheters. Early experience from implantation of brachial portal systems

To simplify the implantation procedure of a new brachially implantable venous access system (P.A.S. PortTM, Pharmacia Deltec Inc., St. Paul, MN, USA), the Cath‐FinderTM Catheter Tracking System (Pharmacia Deltec) was evaluated. The Cath‐Finder senses the catheter tip position by utilizing a preconnected sensor wire (guidewire) within a catheter to detect an electromagnetic signal transmitted through the body tissue from a locator wand positioned over an appropriate external landmark. The aim of the study was to evaluate the accuracy of the Cath‐Finder (compared to fluoroscopy) in determining the catheter tip position peroperatively during implantation of P.A.S. PortTM systems in patients with malignant diseases. The accuracy of the Cath‐Finder in assessing the position of the catheter tip was registered in 16 implantation procedures. The tip positions determined with the Cath‐Finder (when projected on the skin) correlated well to fluoroscopy (within 1 cm in eleven patients, 2–3 cm in four patients, and 4 cm in one patient). By using the right 3rd rib parasternally as an external landmark for the locator wand, the Cath‐Finder Catheter Tracking System appears to be an alternative to fluoroscopy peroperatively for accurate placement of central venous catheters in the superior vena cava. However, a postoperative confirmatory x‐ray control is recommended until further experience of the system is available.