A few years ago, in a short paper (4) Ryser introduced an interesting topic in number theory, viz. the connection between integer matrices (i.e., matrices having only integers as their elements) satisfying certain conditions and 0-1 matrices (i.e., matrices that have no element different from 0 and 1). In this series of papers we shall pursue this topic further.To make the statements of our theorems short we introduce some terminology. We need the definitions of certain 0-1 matrices related to a few well-known combinatorial configurations. By an incidence matrix of a balanced incomplete block (b.i.b. for conciseness) design we mean a 0-1 matrix with v rows and b columns, such that the sum of the elements in each column of A is k, k < v, and the scalar product of any two row vectors of A is λ, λ ≠ 0.

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