The Relationship between Energy Expenditure and Pulse Rates with Body Weight and the Load Carried During Load Carrying on the Level

In a study of load carriage on the head on the level, high degrees of correlation worn obtained with the gross weights transported (viz. body weight and given load) and the energy expenditures, r = 0-91. Their relationship fits the equation, E(kcal/ minute) = 0.0943 (body weight+load carried) —2.183. The gross weight transported was also found to have an equally high correlation with the peak heart rates observed (r = 0.88) and the regression equation, PHR= 1.2552 (body weight-f load carried+-24.87, mathematically describes the relationship of the two latter variables. These equations can conveniently be utilized for field studies of load carrying in many underdeveloped countries where the common mode of load carriage is identical with that investigated hero and the average body weight of the subjects similar to that of the manual workers in this country, viz., around.50 kg