Triazine-Resistant Smooth Pigweed (Amaranthus hybridus) Control in Field Corn (Zea maysL.)

Studies were conducted for 3 yr to evaluate herbicides and herbicide combinations for triazine-resistant smooth pigweed (TR-AMACH) control in field corn. Of the PRE treatments, combinations of atrazine plus acetochlor, metolachlor plus dicamba, and atrazine plus alachlor provided the most complete control of this weed (77 to 81%). The best early postemergence (EP) combination was pendimethalin plus atrazine plus dicamba (93% control). Pyridate plus atrazine applied POST provided a four-site average of 98% control. The most effective sequential herbicide treatments consisted of either metolachlor or pendimethalin PRE followed by POST treatments containing either pyridate, thifensulfuron, bromoxynil, or dicamba.