Hepatitis C virus is one of the leading cause of serious complications, cirrhosis and cancer of the liver. The RNA of the virus encodes for 10 proteins each playing an important role either as structural or non-structural component. Hepatitis C virus which is a member of the Flavivirus family, is considered to be the only RNA virus which is associated with progression to Cancer, and which still remains a question for many researchers. Studies are ongoing in looking into how the various viral protein interacts in subduing the normal function of the liver cells, but the transformation events also remain to be fully proved. In the present study, we have undertaken in-silico studies of important viral proteins and studied their interaction with the tumor suppressing protein. It was observed that the confidence score above 0.9 indicated higher binding affinity which was found to occur between viral NS5 protein and p53 protein. This suggest that the non-structural protein NS5 may interact with the p53 protein during the course of its synthesis and may thus inhibit the functionality of the tumor suppressing protein leading to progression of cancer after some time.