Bacteriological Evaluation of 194 Adult Patients with Acute Frontal Sinusitis and Findings of Simultaneous Maxillary Sinusitis

In a prospective study bacteriological findings from frontal and maxillary sinus secretes were analyzed. Frontal sinus trephination was performed to 103 and maxillary irrigation to 192 patients. Main pathogens in the frontal as well as in the maxillary sinus secretes were Haemophilus influenzae and Streptococcus pneumoniae. beta-lactamase production of H. influenzae was found in 17% of frontal and in 16% of maxillary sinus samples. Bacteriological findings were supported by the staining results. The portion of anaerobic pathogens in cultures were poor, though Bacteroides fragilis antigen was detected in 8 frontal and 6 maxillary sinus samples. The acute frontal sinusitis should be treated with respective antibiotics. Complications seem not to develop in the acute phase and the disease can primarily be treated conservatively. It should however be controlled properly to avoid prolonged disease and late complications.