Toposequence Relationships of Dystrandepts in Costa Rica

Three Typic Dystrandepts; medial, isothermic, profiles located on a slightly convex position, a concave position, and a 20% slope were studied. The horizontal distance between adjacent profiles was approximately 100 m.The soils were characterized by chemical, mineralogical, micromorphological and physical methods to establish the nature of the differences among them, and to develop hypotheses of their genesis.The genesis of these soils appears to be controlled by composition and age of the parent material and only slightly influenced by the relief. Periodic additions of pyroclastic materials build up thick A horizons rich in plagioclases and pyroxenes. Halloysite was evident in the deeper and older underlying materials where it was also observed in sand‐sized aggregates. The B horizons in the convex and sloping topographic positions were slightly more enriched with iron, which seemed to be translocated from the A horizons, than was the profile in the concave position.Differences due to topographic position did not affect taxonomic placement of the profiles in the family category.

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