We have compiled the DNA sequence data for Escherichia coli K12 available from the GenBank and EMBL data libraries and independently from the literature. We provide the most definitive version of the ECD Escherichia coli database now exclusively via the World Wide Web System (http://susi.bio.uni-giessen.de/ecdc.html ). Our database encloses the completed genome sequence recently published by two competing groups and an assembled set of all elder sequences. The organisation of the database allows precise physical location of each individual gene or regulatory region, even taking into consideration discrepancies in nomenclature. The WWW program allows to the user to branch into the original EMBL and SWISS-PROT datafiles. A number of links to other WWW servers dealing with E. coli is provided. A FASTA and BLAST search may be performed online. Besides the WWW format a flat file version may be obtained via ftp. A number of discrepancies between the two systematic sequence determinations and/or the literature have not yet been resolved. However, our database may serve as a reference source for resolution and/or the assignment of strain difference.