The level of electoral mobilization, which is generally lower in European elections as compared to first-order national elections, has been found to be lower among party adherents as well. Variation in the capability of political parties to mobilize their adherents is mainly explained by the coincidence or not of European and (first-order) national elections (and of compulsory voting). Parties in government do not, as could have been expected on the basis of earlier research, considerably worse in mobilizing their support, they did significantly better in the 1989 European elections. And big parties were not found to be disadvantaged in getting their adherents to the European ballots—they did equally well or even better than their smaller competitors. However, it is to be observed that big parties competing in European elections cannot profit from the tremendous mobilizational advantages they have in first-order national elections. And their adherents are, in European elections and in relative terms, more vulnerable to mobilizing appeals of competing parties than those of smaller parties.

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