Complications after implantation of 503 plate haptic silicone intraocular lenses were compared with those after implantation of 253 silicone three-piece polypropylene loop lenses. The uncorrected visual acuities were also compared. Capsulorhexis and endocapsular phacoemulsification were used in all cases. The incidence of cystoid macular edema and posterior capsule opacification requiring a YAG capsulotomy were significantly higher in the cases with polypropylene three-piece loop lenses. Pigment dispersion and decentration also occurred more frequently in this group. This is probably because the 10.5 mm plate haptic lens is more rigid than the polypropylene loop lens. It also fixates more posteriorly within the capsular bag than the anteriorly located polypropylene lens. Patients implanted with a plate haptic silicone intraocular lens through a 3.5 mm scleral incision had significantly better uncorrected visual acuity at five to six weeks postoperatively than those with a three-piece silicone lens that required a 4.5 mm incision for insertion.