Differential killing of pre-B acute lymphoblastic leukaemia cells by activated NK cells and the NK-92 ci cell line

SUMMARY: The use of NK cells in adoptive therapy for malignant disease is an area of great potential. Currently the only NK cell line in clinical trials is NK-92, an activated NK cell line with a broad range of cytotoxicity against malignant cells. The activity of NK-92 against pre-B acute lymphoblastic leukaemias, however, is highly variable. In this study we compare the cytotoxic mechanisms and signalling pathways utilized by NK-92 ci and IL-2 activated NK cells to mediate killing of pre-B acute lymphoblastic leukaemia cell lines. Deficiencies in TNF family mediated apoptosis, phosphoinositide-3 kinase dependent and phosphoinositide-3 kinase independent killing limit the efficiency of NK-92 ci against pre-B acute lymphoblastic leukaemia cells. Importantly, treatment of the poorly killed leukaemia cells with TNF-α augmented both phosphoinositide-dependent and -independent cytolysis.