Slow Adaptation in Fast-Spiking Neurons of Visual Cortex

Fast-spiking (FS) neurons are a class of inhibitory interneurons classically characterized as having short-duration action potentials (<0.5 ms at half height) and displaying little to no spike-frequency adaptation during short (<500 ms) depolarizing current pulses. As a consequence, the resulting injected current intensity versus firing frequency relationship is typically steep, and they can achieve firing frequencies of ≤1 kHz. Here we have investigated the properties of FS neurons discharges on a longer time scale. Twenty second discharges were induced in electrophysiologically identified FS neurons by means of current injection either with sinusoidal current or with square pulses. We found that virtually all FS neurons recorded in cortical slices do show spike-frequency adaptation but with a slow time course (τ = 2–19 s). This slow time course has precluded the observation of this property in previous studies that used shorter pulses. Contrary to the classical view of FS neurons functional properties, long-duration discharges were followed by a slow afterhyperpolarization lasting ≤23 s. During this postadaptation period, the excitability of the neurons was decreased on average for 16.7 ± 6.8 s, therefore rendering the cell less responsive to subsequent afferent inputs. Slow adaptation is also reported here for FS neurons recorded in vivo. This longer time scale of adaptation in FS neurons may be critical for balancing excitation and inhibition as well as for the understanding of cortical network computations.