Additional Pathways of S-Conjugate Formation during Interaction of 4-Nitrosophenetole with Glutathione

The rapid reactions of nitrosoarenes with cellular SH groups have proved to be main metabolic conversions during detoxication. Interactions of the phenacetin metabolite 4-nitrosophenetole with glutathione have been investigated in detail during the last years, revealing a complex pattern of products depending on the stoichiometry of the reactants and reaction conditions. Eight metabolites have been identified hitherto, and the present work extends this medley by six additional products. Three metastable sulfenamides, 4-ethoxy-2,N-bis(glutathion-S-yl)-aniline, N4-(glutathion-S-yl)-4-amino-4‘-ethoxydiphenylamine, and N-(glutathion-S-yl)-4-aminophenol, as well as the N-sulfenylquinonimine N-(glutathion-S-yl)-1,4-benzoquinonimine were characterized by chemical reactivity, chromatographic behavior, UV/vis absorption, 1H NMR, and FAB-MS data. The structure of the sulfenamide 2,N4-bis(glutathion-S-yl)-4-amino-4‘-ethoxydiphenylamine could not be proved unequivocally, but is strongly suggested due to the chemical reactivity, chromatographic behavior, and UV/vis absorption of the compound. Finally, traces of 4-aminophenol were detected. A reaction scheme is presented explaining the formation of all identified metabolites via a central sulfenamide cation. Molecular orbital calculations for this sulfenamide cation have been performed, corroborating the proposed reaction mechanisms on the basis of Klopman's generalized perturbation theory.

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