Two trials with sheep and one with cattle were conducted to study the influence of the length of time of biuret supplementation of a poor quality roughage on the development of the ability of the rumen microorganisms to utilize biuret. Rumen NH2 did not increase after biuret feeding on day 4 of adaptation to biuret but on day 84 a marked release of NH3 from biuret was obvious. When the ability of rumen contents to hydrolyze biuret in vitro was measured, slight activity was observed on days 14 and 21 with marked activity by day 42. Ammonia appearance during the biuretolytic tests was apparent on days 42 and 66 and marked on day 84. In experiment 2, biuret adaptation was apparent but not as great in magnitude as in experiment 1. In experiment 3, biuretolytic activity in steer rumen contents was fully developed after 30 days of biuret feeding but disappeared within 4 days after removing biuret from the ration. Biuretolytic activity in the rumen contents was removed by slow speed centrifugation.