The Development and Use of a Computerized Human Performance Test Battery for Repeated-Measures Applications

Determining whether human performance is affected by environmental stres- sors and agents generally requires repeated measures using tests that possess both stability and reliability. To date, however, there is no standardized com- puter-based human performance test battery for the study of environmental stressors that has proven itself for repeated-measures applications. This article reviews the ongoing development of such a battery, called the Automated Per- formance Test System (APE). This battery contains only tests that possess high reliability, early stability, and factorial richness at minimum costs in time, thereby enhancing its external validity in field applications. Part 1 fo- cuses on the psychometric background for the battery and presents an over- view of measurement considerations. Part 2 contains data on normative studies, including factor and correlational analyses, and addresses issues of construct validity. Part 3 focuses on real-world applications, using highlights from various validity and sensitivity studies to illustrate the usefulness of a re- peated-measures test battery. The article concludes with a discussion of future applications and practical considerations.