Hofstadter butterflies of carbon nanotubes

The electronic spectrum of a two-dimensional square lattice in a perpendicular magnetic field has become known as Hofstadter butterfly [D. Hofstadter, Phys. Rev. B 14, 2239 (1976)]. We have calculated quasi one-dimensional analogons of the Hofstadter butterfly for carbon nanotubes (CNTs). For the case of single wall CNTs, it is straightforward to implement magnetic fields parallel to the tube axis by means of zone-folding in the graphene reciprocal lattice. We have also studied perpendicular magnetic fields which, in contrast to the parallel case, lead to a much richer, pseudofractal spectrum. Moreover, we have investigated magnetic fields piercing double wall CNTs and found strong signatures of inter-wall interaction in the resulting Hofstadter butterfly spectrum. Ubiquitous to all perpendicular magnetic field spectra is the presence cusp-catastrophes at specific values of energy and magnetic field. Resolving the density of states along the tube circumference allows to recognize snake states already predicted for non-uniform magnetic fields in the two-dimensional electron gas.

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