Effect of Pneumatic Tube Transport System on the Validity of Determinations in Blood Chemistry

A hospital pneumatic tube system utilizing plastic containers for transport of blood specimens was checked for alterations which would interfere with the validity of blood chemistry determinations. Significant elevations in serum hemoglobin, serum lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) and serum potassium were observed after transit when compared to duplicate non-transit specimens. The serum LDH and potassium elevations were secondary to hemolysis of red blood cells with concomitant elevation of serum hemoglobin. Any chemical determination affected by hemolysis would also have been elevated. Alkaline phosphatase, total protein, albumin/globulin ratio, serum urea nitrogen, chloride, bicarbonate, sodium, glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase, and glutamic pyruvic transaminase were not significantly altered.