Protective Effect of Para-Aminopropiophenone Against Lethal Doses of X-Radiation

Reduction of oxygen tension during the period of exposure to X-radiation by a variety of mechanical procedures has been shown to produce a marked prophylactic effect against radiation damage in exptl. animals. In the present study p-aminopropiophenone (PAPP), a potent methemoglobin producing agent, was used to produce a lowered oxygen tension by chemical means. Of 180 mice given a single exposure of 800 r total-body X-radiation, 100% of the 60 controls died within 30 days. Pre-treatment of groups of the remaining 120 mice with PAPP in doses of 20, 30, 40, and 50 mg./kg., 30 min. before X-ray exposure, resulted in 30-day survival rates of 45, 50, 60, and 72.5%, respectively. Injn. of 50 mg./kg. of PAPP after irradiation did not affect mortality. In a preliminary test pre-treatment with PAPP also reduced the 30-day mortality in rats exposed to X-radiation.