First-principles investigation of the structural, magnetic, and electronic properties of olivineLiFePO4

We present a first-principles investigation of the structural, magnetic, and electronic properties of LiFePO4 olivine. The ground-state antiferromagnetic spin arrangement consistent with a superexchange mechanism through oxygen orbits is found to be preferred, showing an antiferromagnetic order between corner sharing octahedra along the [010] direction. This is in agreement with an oxygen-mediated superexchange mechanism for the iron-iron magnetic interaction. The theoretical Néel temperature estimated by a mean-field approximation is in the range between 33.1K and 53.5K, in acceptable agreement with the experimental susceptibility measurement, which gives TN=52K. The calculated magnetic moment of 3.72μB is close to the value of 4μB deduced from the ionic model according to the Hund’s rule.