Kiā€ras mutation type and the survival benefit from adjuvant chemotherapy in Dukes' C colorectal cancer

Kiā€ras mutations are associated with an increased risk of relapse and death in colorectal cancer (CRC) patients, with some mutations being more aggressive than others. The present study examined the predictive value of different Kiā€ras mutation types in a retrospective series of 430 Dukes' C stage CRC patients, of whom 208 (48%) had received adjuvant chemotherapy with 5ā€fluorouracil/levamisole or 5ā€fluorouracil/leucovorin. A total of 140 mutations were detected, the majority (58%, 81/140) being glycine to aspartate mutations in codons 12 and 13. Glycine to valine mutations in codon 12 (14%, 20/140) and other less frequent, nonā€specified mutation types (28%, 39/140) accounted for the remaining mutations. Kaplanā€“Meier survival analysis revealed that both Kiā€ras wildā€type and mutant patient groups derived significant survival benefit from chemotherapy. However, when patients were stratified according to the type of mutation, those with nonā€aspartate mutations appeared to gain more benefit from this treatment than those with aspartate mutations. Multivariate analysis that included other possible predictive factors in Dukes' C CRC (tumour site, patient sex, TP53 mutation) demonstrated that nonā€aspartate mutations in particular were associated with a significant survival benefit from chemotherapy (HR=0.11, 95% CI: 0.04ā€“0.30, pras mutation could be a clinically useful molecular marker for the identification of CRC subgroups that are likely to benefit from 5ā€fluorouracilā€based adjuvant chemotherapy. Copyright Ā© 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.