Age-related Decrease in Respiratory Muscle Mitochondrial Function in Rats

The purpose of this study was to elucidate the effects of aging on diaphragmatic mitochondrial function. Diaphragm mitochondria were prepared from specific pathogen-free rats aged 7 wk (n = 7), 35 wk (n = 7), and 55 wk (n = 7). The activities of various portions of the mitochondrial electron transport chain, i.e., complexes I, II, III, and IV, were measured enzymatically. The specific activities of complex I decreased significantly (P less than 0.01) in 35-wk-old rats (726 +/- 90 nmol/min/mg protein) compared with 7-wk-old rats (1,018 +/- 121), and the decrease was more remarkable in 35-wk-old rats (565 +/- 64; P less than 0.01 versus 35-wk-old). The activities of complex IV also decreased significantly (P less than 0.01) in 55-wk-old rats (1,222 +/- 191) compared with 7-wk-old rats (1,797 +/- 208); however, no significant changes in complex IV activities between 7-wk-old rat and 35-wk-old rats were observed. In contrast, the activities of complex II and III were not affected by aging. Limb muscle, heart, and liver mitochondria were also prepared from the same rats. The same tendency was observed in limb muscle mitochondria; however, in heart and liver mitochondria, activities of all four complexes were not changed in rats of all age groups. These results indicate that vulnerability of mitochondrial electron transport chain to aging differs from organ to organ and that it also differs from portion to portion in the electron transport chain and the most vulnerable site was complex I.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)