Viruses and Hodgkin disease: No evidence of novel herpesviruses in non‐EBV‐associated lesions

The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is associated with a proportion of cases of Hodgkin disease (HD) and this association is believed to be causal. Epidemiological studies suggest that an infectious agent is involved in the aetiology of young adult HD, however, cases in this age group are less likely to have EBV-associated disease than cases diagnosed in early childhood or older adult years. Molecular studies have failed to find a consistent association between HD and other candidate viruses, and the aetiology of non-EBV-associated cases remains obscure. We looked for evidence of herpesvirus infection in samples of non-EBV-associated HD using a highly sensitive, degenerate PCR assay. Despite exhaustive sequence analysis of PCR products, no novel herpesviruses were identified. These results suggest that it is extremely unlikely that a novel herpesvirus is involved in the pathogenesis of non-EBV-associated HD.