The thyroid filters from the blood all the elements of group VII of the periodic table that have been studied; viz., Cl, Br, I, Mn, At. The prediction is made that the remaining group VII elements, F, Tc and Re will also be found to be preferentially filtered. An hypothesis is offered to account for this behavior of the thyroid based on the similarity of the valence elections of these elements. Thiocyanates are also selectively filtered by, and accumulate in the thyroid, a not unexpected finding in view of the position of SCN" at the end of the Hofmeister Series. When admd. in relatively large amts. compared with iodine, halides and SCN" wash inorganic iodide from the body and prevent new supplies of iodine from being received by the thyroid, thus producing thyroid hyper-plasia and goiter. It is suggested that these ions exert, at least in part, a mass action-like effect.