Experimental infection of twenty species of Indian marine crabs with white spot syndrome virus (WSSV)

Twenty species of Indian marine crabs were experimentally infected with white spot syndrome virus (WSSV), via the oral route and intramuscular injection, to determine their viral susceptibility. We determined that 16 species (Calappa philargius, Charybdis annulata, C. lucifera, Doclea hybrida, Grapsus albolineatus, Halimede ochtodes, Liagore rubronaculata, Lithodes maja, Matuta miersi, Paradorippe granulata, Parthenope prensor, Philyra syndactyla, Podophthalmus vigil, Portunus sanquinolentus, Scylla serrata and Thalamita danae) were susceptible and 4 (Atergatis integerrimus, Charybdis natator, Demania splendida or Menippe rumphii) were refractive at 50 d post-infection (p.i.). The presence of WSSV in these crabs was confirmed by PCR tests, histology and bioassay. WSSV was found in the gill, heart, eyestalks, striated muscle and cephalothoraxic tissue. The 4 WSSV-refractive species represent potential reservoirs or carriers of WSSV.

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