AMONG 6,114 surgical patients admitted to the Veterans Administration Hospital, West Roxbury, Mass., four cases of diverticulitis of the cecum were encountered in the 18 months ending March 1, 1951. Since this disease is not common, these four cases are reported along with a brief review of the literature on this subject. Only 149 other surgically proved cases were found after a careful search of the available literature. However, diverticulitis of the cecum may be commoner than is generally realized, and therefore the available information is worth reviewing. REPORT OF CASES Case 1. —A 23-year-old clerk entered the hospital on Aug. 23, 1949, with right lower quadrant pain of four days' duration. There had been no nausea or vomiting. Physical examination revealed spasm, tenderness, and rebound tenderness in the right lower quadrant. The temperature was 99.6 F., peristalsis was normal, and no mass was palpable. There was high right rectal