Muscular fatigue during repeated isokinetic shoulder forward flexions in young females

Summary Peak torque, work, mean power and electromyographic (EMG) activity were recorded for each of 150 repeated isokinetic maximal shoulder flexions (45°–90°) in 23 healthy females. From the EMG signals of trapezius, deltoid, infraspinatus and biceps brachii the mean power frequency and the signal amplitude were determined in real time. The mechanical output showed a steep decrease during the first 40 contractions, followed by a plateau maintained until the end. In all muscles, except the biceps brachii, significant decreases in mean power frequency occurred during the first 40 contractions, showing a tendency to stabilize around the same absolute frequency value. Signal amplitude increased in the trapezius, the deltoid and the infraspinatus, but was constant in the biceps brachii. For some individuals rather high EMG activity was recorded in the muscles during the time the arm was supposed to be passively extended to the starting position, and this was found to be associated with lower strength and endurance levels. Longitudinal analyses showed that the mean power frequencies correlated better than the signal amplitudes with the three mechanical variables. The results suggest that the initial steep decrease in mechanical performance and mean power frequency is caused by fatiguing of type 2 motor units.