Hall effect due to spin injection in Co/Al planar junctions

The Hall effect due to spin injection was investigated by using an Al Hall bar attached to a Co/Al planar wire junction. There is observed a significant change in the Hall voltage due to the spin injection when the position of the Hall bar is placed 0.5 μm away from the Co/Al interface. The obtained results were analyzed by taking into account the contributions of the enhancement of the ordinary Hall effect due to a locally increased gradient of the electrochemical potential, and of the extraordinary Hall effect due to the induced nonequilibrium magnetization. The spin diffusion length in Al in the present study is about 1 μm, and the induced difference in chemical potential between up and down spins is about 2.6×10−8 eV. The experimentally evaluated enhancement factor of the ordinary Hall effect is about 1.5, which shows a relatively small contribution to the net Hall effect compared to the extraordinary Hall effect due to the induced nonequilibrium magnetization.