Spatial distributions of chemically identified intrinsic neurons in relation to patch and matrix compartments of rat neostriatum

The spatial distributions and dendritic branching patterns of chemically identified subpopulations of striatal intrinsic neurons, defined by immunoreactivity for choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), neuropeptide Y or parvalbumin, were studied in relation to patch and matrix compartments of rat neostriatum. ChAT‐immunoreactive cells and fibers showed an uneven pattern of distribution in the striatum. ChAT immunoreactivity was higher in the dorsolateral part and lower in the ventromedial part of the striatum. This regional gradient pattern is the inverse of the overall pattern of calbindin D28k immunoreactivity. However, in small regions close to the lateral ventricle and globus pallidus, areas containing fewer ChAT‐immunoreactive cells and fibers coincided with those containing low calbindin D28k immunoreactivity. Neuropeptide Y immunoreactivity was uniform in the neostriatum. Certain neuropeptide Y cells (about 20%) were also immunoreactive for calbindin D28k, indicating that at least a small population of calbindin D28k‐immunoreactive cells are medium aspiny cells. Parvalbumin immunoreactivity was not uniform in the striatum. A higher density of parvalbumin immunoreactivity was found in the neuropil in lateral and caudal parts than in the medial part. Small regions with weaker parvalbumin‐immunoreactive neuropil partially corresponded to calbindin D28k poor patches. Larger cells immunoreactive for parvalbumin were preferentially located in lateral and caudal parts of the striatum. Cells immunoreactive for ChAT, neuropeptide Y or parvalbumin showed basically similar distribution patterns in relation to the patch and matrix compartments. Most stained cells were located in the matrix, but some were located at the borders of patches and a few were inside patches. Most primary dendrites of stained cells in the matrix or patches remained confined to these compartments, but cells on the borders invariably extended dendrites into both compartments. The striatal intrinsic neurons form chemically differentiated neuronal circuits within the matrix, and the patches and those whose dendrites cross the borders may contribute to associational interconnections between the two compartments, unlike the spiny projection neurons whose dendrites are confined to one or the other compartment. © Wiley‐Liss, Inc.