Allelic polymorphism of murine IgE controlled by the seventh immunoglobulin heavy chain allotype locus

Two alloantisera against hybridoma-derived IgE detected allotypic determinants expressed on the murine s chain. An antiserum raised in BALB/c mice against monoclonal IgE of C57BL/6 origin reacted exclusively with IgE of strains having Igh-1b (IgG2a) allotype. The second antiserum, C57BL/6 anti-BALB/c monoclonal IgE, reacted with IgE of strains having Igh-1a, Igh-1d, Igh-1e and Igh-1j allotypes. The genetic studies of (BALB/c x C57BL/6)F1 and backcross F2 animals indicated that the locus controlling the IgE allotype is linked to the Igh-1 locus. This was further confirmed by the possession of respective IgE allotypes by Igh-C congenic mice, BALB/c and BAB-14, C3H.SW/Hz and CWB/Hz. Thus, the allotype detected on the ε chain is controlled by the seventh murine immunoglobulin allotype locus, and should be designated as the Igh-7 allotype.