A compilation of inventories of emissions to the atmosphere

Detailed and accurate emissions inventories are essential for reliable computer dispersion model simulation of the behavior of chemically and radiatively important atmospheric species. Currently, model simulations of the atmosphere are limited by the paucity of quality emissions data for input. As a first step in providing internationally recognized emissions inventories, we list here the inventories that are extant, together with their spatial and temporal characteristics and a few interpretive comments. The only global emissions inventory we regard as good is that for chlorofluorocarbons. Those for CO2, CH4, NOx, SO2, reduced sulfur, and radon we regard as fair. In selected regions, the spatial resolution of emissions is well determined for CO2, CO, NOx, and SO2. The temporal resolution of existing inventories is almost uniformly poor. Much remains to be done to generate emissions inventories adequate to fully support computer models of regional and global chemistry and climate.