Uniaxial-stress effect of the EPR spectra of magnetic impurities inSrCl2

In this paper we present the results of uniaxial-stress-effect experiments in EPR on SrCl2 crystals doped with different kinds of magnetic impurities: Mn2+, Co2+, and Eu2+. The impurities Mn2+ and Co2+ are appreciably smaller than the cation (Sr2+) of the host crystal, whereas Sr2+ and Eu2+ have about the same size. It appears that the uniaxial-stress effect of the smaller-sized impurities is much larger than expected on the basis of the elastic properties of the SrCl2 single crystal. Local deformations in the neighborhood of these impurities play a decisive role. Earlier electric-field-effect experiments carried out in our laboratory have shown that substitutional Mn2+ impurities in SrCl2 are located in a rather shallow potential well, which can be modified significantly by means of an external electric field. This observation is supported by the behavior of the crystal-field splitting and the uniaxial-stress effect as a function of the temperature observed in the present investigation.