Radiative corrections to theZbb¯vertex and constraints on extended Higgs sectors

We explore the radiative corrections to the process Zbb¯ in models with extended Higgs sectors. The observables RbΓ(Zbb¯)/Γ(Zhadrons) and the Zbb¯ coupling asymmetry, Ab(gL2gR2)/(gL2+gR2), are sensitive to these corrections. We present general formulas for the one-loop corrections to Rb and Ab in an arbitrary extended Higgs sector, and derive explicit results for a number of specific models. We find that in models containing only doublets, singlets, or larger multiplets constrained by a custodial SU(2)c symmetry, so that MW=MZcosθW at tree level, the one-loop corrections due to virtual charged Higgs bosons always worsen agreement with experiment. The Rb measurement can be used to set lower bounds on the charged Higgs boson masses. Constraints on models due to the one-loop contributions of neutral Higgs bosons are also examined.