The Triassic section at Pardonet Hill, Peace River, British Columbia, has been studied in detail, resulting in a new interpretation of the structure and of the rock and faunal sequence. This work necessitates revision of the sequence of Upper Triassic ammonoid zones and some changes in the age assignments. The following sequence of Upper Triassic ammonoid beds and zones is now recognized in the Peace River Valley: (1) Discotropites; (2) Anatropites; (3) Mojsisovicsites kerri; (4) Malayites dawsoni; (5) Juvavites magnus; (6) Drepanites rutherfordi; (7) Himavatites columbianus; (8) Monotis subcircularis (Bivalve Zone); (9) Rhabdoceras suessi. Faunas 1 and 2 are Upper Karnian; 3 and 4 are classed as Lower Norian; 5, 6, and 7 as Middle Norian; 8 and 9 as Upper Norian. The Peace River succession suggests that the generally accepted standard for the Norian Stage, established in Austria, may be incorrect. In particular, the Austrian zones of Cladiscites ruber and Sagenites giebeli are probably younger than the Cyrtopleurites bicrenatus Zone, not older, as formerly believed.

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