Currents Induced in a Human Being for Plane-Wave Exposure Conditions 0-50 MHz and for RF Sealers

The currents induced in a human being were measured for plane-wave exposure conditions 0-50 MHz. These are used to point out that very large SAR's may be set up in the wet tissues for the cross section of the ankle for standing human beings exposed to electric fields suggested in the ANSI C95.1-1982 RF safety guide. For these exposure conditions, foot currents on the order of 627 mA are projected for a human adult of height 1.75 m for the frequency band 3-30 MHz with the value increasing to 780 mA for 40 MHz. The corresponding ankle-section SAR's are 182 and 243 W/kg. Using electromagnetic scaling concepts, SAR's as high as 371 and 534 W/kg are projected for ten- and five-year old children, respectively, for f = 50.7 and 62.5 MHz, E = 61.4 V/m (1 mW/cm2) recommended by the ANSI C95.1-1982 RF safety guide. The paper also gives currents induced by two sealer models and three industrial RF sealers for a human being under grounded and insulated conditions. Though smaller than those for plane-wave irradiation conditions, these currents may be substantial for high leakage fields that are quite typical.