Site-Isolated Luminescent Europium Complexes with Polyester Macroligands: Metal-Centered Heteroarm Stars and Nanoscale Assemblies with Labile Block Junctions

The synthesis of a series of polymeric Eu(III) complexes with polyester ligands, along with supporting emission spectra, luminescence lifetimes, and, for a Eu block copolymer film, atomic force microscopy (AFM) data, is presented. Dibenzoylmethane was derivatized with a hydroxyl initiator site (dbmOH, 1) for tin octoate catalyzed ring opening polymerization of dl-lactide. The resulting poly(lactic acid) macroligand, dbmPLA (2), was combined with EuCl3 to generate Eu(dbmPLA)3 (3). Chelation of both dbmPLA and a polycaprolactone-functionalized bipyridine ligand (bpyPCL2) led to the Eu(III)-centered heteroarm star Eu(dbmPLA)3(bpyPCL2) (4). Unpolarized emission spectra and luminescence lifetimes were recorded for the Eu polymers in CH2Cl2 and for Eu(dbmPLA)3, as a film. Solution data for Eu(dbm)3 and Eu(dbm)3(bpy) were collected for comparison. For Eu tris(dbm) complexes, data were fit to a double exponential decay, indicating the presence of multiple species. Relative amounts of the longer lifetime component increase in the series Eu(dbm)3 solutions to Eu(dbmPLA)3 solutions to Eu(dbmPLA)3 films, perhaps suggesting benefits of the “polymer shell effect” and the diminishment of aquo adducts known to shorten lifetimes. As with the nonpolymeric analogue, data for Eu(dbmPLA)3(bpyPCL2) fit to a single-exponential decay. The sharpness of the feature at 579.7 nm, attributable to the 5D07F0 transition in the emission spectrum of 4, lends further support for a homogeneous sample. AFM studies of “as cast” thin films of 4 reveal a lamellar structure with a 17.5 nm repeat. These microstructures, inferred to contain Eu luminophores at the glassy PLA−crystalline PCL domain interfaces, are modified by thermal treatment.