Effective single-band models for the high-Tccuprates. I. Coulomb interactions

Starting with the three-band extended Hubbard model (or d-p model) widely used to represent the CuO2 planes in the high-Tc cuprates, we make a systematic reduction to an effective single-band model using a previously developed cell-perturbation method. The range of parameters for which this mapping is a good approximation is explored in the full Zaanen-Sawatzky-Allen diagram (copper Coulomb repulsion Ud versus charge-transfer energy ɛ), together with an investigation of the validity of a further mapping to an effective charge-spin (t-J-V) model. The variation of the effective single-band parameters with the parameters of the underlying multi-band model is investigated in detail, and the parameter regime where the model represents the high-Tc cuprates is examined for specific features that might distinguish it from the general case. In particular, we consider the effect of Coulomb repulsions on oxygen (Up) and between copper and oxygen (Vpd). We find that the reduction to an effective single-band model is generally valid for describing the low-energy physics, and that Vpd and Up (unless unrealistically large) actually slightly improve the convergence of the cell-perturbation method. Unlike in the usual single-band Hubbard model, the effective intercell hopping and Coulomb interactions are different for electrons and holes.