Can We Develop a Nonpulsatile Permanent Rotary Blood Pump? Yes, We Can.

For many years, it was thought that nonpulsatile perfusion produced physiological and circulatory abnormalities. Since 1977, Yukihiko Nosé and his colleagues have challenged this misconception. Toward that end, they did show that if a 20% higher blood flow uses more than that required for a pulsatile blood pump, then there would be no circulatory or physiological abnormalities. These experimental findings confirm that there is no difference in clinical outcome using either a pulsatile or nonpulsatile blood pump. Furthermore, the nonpulsatile rotary blood pump demonstrates efficient and reliable performance in various clinical situations. The nonpulsatile blood pump is a simple and reliable design that is manufactured easily and that has several desirable features. There is no need to incorporate heart valves, which are the most thrombogenic and blood trauma‐inducing component. A continuous flow pump does not require a large orifice inflow conduit and proves to be easier to implant in patients with minimal damage to the myocardium. There is no need to incorporate a compliance volume‐shifting device, which is essential for a pulsatile blood pump. The nonpulsatile device is a continuous blood pumping system; therefore, the control system is simpler and more reliable than that of a pulsatile pump. Because of the rotary blood pump's structure, only one moving part is necessary for the blood‐pumping motion. By using durable components for this moving part, a durable system becomes possible. Because the electrical motor operates continuously, the on‐and‐off motion required for a pulsatile pump is not necessary; therefore, it is a more efficient and durable system. Thus, this group is working on the development of a nonpulsatile blood pump as a permanently implantable assist device. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to incorporate seven features into the system: small size, atraumatic features, antithrombogenic features, antiinfection features, a simple and durable design, and low energy requirement with easy controllability.