Isolation and characterization of two distinct lectins with antiproliferative activity from the cultured mycelium of the edible mushroom Tricholoma mongolicum

Two lectins, TML-1 and TML-2, were isolated from Tricholoma mongolicum by ion-exchange chromatography and gel filtration. They are dimers with molecular weight near 37000. The hemagglutinating activities of TML-1 and TML-2 are sensitive to lactose inhibition and are stable between 10 and 80 degrees C. They exhibit antiproliferative activities against mouse monocyte-macrophage PU5-1.8 cells and mouse mastocytoma P815 cells in vitro. The two lectins differ in the content of proline and tyrosine residues. Both are non-glycoproteins and have hydroxyproline residues.