Evaluation of Probes Used for Source Sampling of Hydrogen Fluoride

The body of information presented in this paper is directed to those individuals concerned with methods for the sampling and measurement of fluorides contained in stack gases produced during the manufacture of phosphate fertilizer or aluminum. An air stream containing gaseous hydrogen fluoride (HF), at concentrations of from 87 to 1700 µg F m-3, was generated and passed through 193 to 198 cm lengths of Pyrex glass, type 316 stainless steel, TFE Teflon, and methyl methacrylate-coated aluminum probes at flow rates of 28 I min-1. HF passing through the probes was collected in deionized water contained in a Greenburg-Smith impinger. The Teflon probe exhibited no loss of HF and no trend toward increased passage of HF with time. Significant amounts of fluoride were lost in 18 out of 20 tests with the methacrylate probe and in 4 out of 20 tests with the Pyrex and stainless steel probes. Trends toward increased passage of HF with time occurred with the latter three probe materials. The selective ion electrode and semiautomated methods gave equivalent results when samples were made alkaline to avoid sorption of fluoride by Tygon tubing used in the semiautomated method. These results demonstrated that a Teflon probe gave the most representative sample of gaseous HF. However, additional tests are needed before a final recommendation is made for a probe to sample fluorides in stack gases.

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