Measurement of charmless semileptonic decays ofBmesons

Using the CLEO II detector and a sample of 955 000 Υ(4S) decays we have confirmed charmless semileptonic decays of B mesons. In the momentum interval 2.3–2.6 GeV/c we observe an excess of 107±15±11 leptons, which we attribute to bulν. This result yields a model-dependent range of values for ‖Vub/Vcb‖ that is lower than has been obtained in previous studies. For the inclusive spectator model of Altarelli et al. we find ‖Vub/Vcb‖=0.076±0.008. Models that describe bulν with a limited set of exclusive final states give ‖Vub/Vcb‖=0.06-0.10.

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