Effect of prolactin on the diurnal changes in immune parameters and plasma corticosterone in white leghorn chickens

The effect of PRL on the diurnal changes in peripheral lymphocyte and granulocyte number, anti-sheep red blood cells, and natural anti-rabbit red blood cells serum agglutinins titre as well as plasma corticosterone concentration was examined in White Leghorn cockerels, immunized twice with sheep red blood cells. PRL was administered for six consecutive days at 4 or 8 h after light onset. Control birds were treated at the same times with hormone solvent alone. Immunized non-treated birds served as an additional control group. PRL injections influenced markedly the diurnal changes in all parameters examined. The effect of PRL administration on the diurnal changes in lymphocyte and granulocyte number and natural anti-rabbit red blood cells serum agglutinins consisted in elimination of the influence of solvent injections. In those cases where the solvent injections did not alter the pattern of the diurnal changes, i.e. in anti-sheep red blood cells serum agglutinins and in plasma corticosterone concentration, the pattern was modified by PRL injections. PRL administration affected also the correlations between the diurnal changes in plasma corticosterone concentration and those in lymphocyte number and anti-sheep red blood cells agglutinin titre. This suggests that the role of PRL in the regulation of the diurnal variations of immunity in chickens may be realized either directly, via its receptors in immune system or by its influence on plasma corticosterone concentration.